This information is partly outdated. Mobile app promotion now available via VK Ads

We have moved mobile app promotion to VK Ads, a platform with a case-proven efficiency where you can launch campaigns in five simple steps. Create account

Learn more about how to register and set up your VK Ads account by contacting your manager or our support team via

Editing campaign

To edit your ad campaign, find it on the campaign dashboard. Click on the pencil next to the campaign.
Editing a campaign
If you're using a combined campaign and ad dashboard, click on the campaign name.
Editing an ad campaign
The campaign edit page will open. On the left, you can see the current campaign settings and campaign statistics for the current day: impressions, clicks (for pay-per-install campaigns installs are displayed), charges in the user's currency and a link to full campaign statistics.

Statistics are shown with attribution on the display date.
You can choose campaign settings in the same way as when creating.

When done, click "Save Campaign" - it will automatically be sent for remoderation.

When ads are moderated, they will start broadcasting according to your settings. You can watch it live.

If your ad is not showing impressions, check the most common reasons.
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